Ââ¿cuãƒâ¡les Son Los Ingredientes De Un Sãƒâ¡ndwich Cubano? Chicken Pork Turkey Cheese

Club Roll Sandwich

Le Cubain

l'histoire du cubain (el Cubano)

"el sándwich cubano" est la nourriture de rue par excellence qui a débuté comme un sandwich populaire auprès des classes ouvriers. Au début des années 1900, les travailleurs cubains achetaient ce super repas chaud à la viande et au fromage fondu à des vendeurs à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de leur lieu de travail.

Lorsque ces travailleurs ont émigré aux États-Unis, en particulier en Floride, qui a une grande population de Cubains, ils ont apporté cette délicieuse tradition du sandwich Cubain avec eux.

The Cubain sandwich

the history of the cubain sandwich (el Cubano)

Source: theSpruce.com

"el sándwich cubano" is street food par excellence that had its start as a sandwich popular with the working classes. This hearty hot meat-and-cheese meal was purchased by Cuban workers in the early 1900s from vendors stationed inside and outside their places of employ.

When these workers emigrated to the United States, in particular Florida that has a large enclave of Cubans, they brought this delicious sandwich tradition with them.

Le cubain

Le Cubain de
Oliver et Goumando

Site web de Oliver et Goumando (oliveetgourmando.com)


  • Pancetta
  • Roasted Porc,/Porc rôti
  • Raw milk gruyère / gruyère au lait cru
  • Cilantro/coriandre
  • Chipotle
  • Lime
  • Pickle mayonnaise/mayonnaise aux cornichons


Description du menu: Pancetta, porc rôti, gruyère au lait cru et notre délicieuse mayonnaise aux cornichons, lime, coriandre et chipotle.

Menu description: Pancetta, roasted pork, raw milk gruyère, and our delicious lime, cilantro, chipotle, and pickle mayonnaise.

Club Roll Sandwich

The Cubano.
Traditional Cuban Sandwich

Source: theSpruce.com
Cuban by the spruche.com

A Cuban sandwich, known as a Cubano, is a Latin variation on a grilled ham-and-cheese sandwich.

This undeniably delicious sandwich is grilled and made with ham, pork, Swiss cheese, pickles, mustard and Cuban bread. The essential ingredient is the roasted pork, traditionally marinated in a mojo sauce redolent with orange juice, lime juice, garlic, oregano, and cumin, before roasting.

Instead of mayonnaise or mustard, some purists use butter, while others add lettuce and tomatoes after the sandwich has been grilled.

If you can't find Cuban bread, a long loaf of French or Italian bread will do. Some people make do with Italian bread for panini, which is another grilled sandwich similar to a Cubano.

What You'll Need

  • 1 loaf bread (Cuban bread; French or Italian bread can be substituted.)
  • 1 pound ham (cooked, sliced)
  • 1 pound pork (roasted, sliced)
  • 1/2 pound Swiss cheese (sliced)
  • 6 dill pickles (sliced)
  • 2 tablespoons butter (or cooking spray)
  • Garnish: Yellow mustard
  • Garnish: Mayonnaise

How to Make It

  • Heat a griddle or frying pan on medium heat.
  • Cut the loaf of bread into quarters and slice each quarter in half horizontally for the sandwiches.
  • Spread the mustard or mayonnaise on the bread. Then make each sandwich by layering the roasted pork, ham, cheese, and dill pickles.
  • Lightly coat the cooking surface of the griddle or frying pan with cooking spray or butter. Place one sandwich onto the hot surface.
  • Put a clean, heavy skillet on top of the sandwich to flatten it. Press the bread down to about 1/3 of its original size.
  • Leave the skillet on top of the sandwich and grill for 1 or 2 minutes. Lift the heavy skillet, turn the sandwich over and repeat this step for the other side of the sandwich.
  • The cheese should be melted and the bread golden brown. Slice each sandwich in half diagonally and serve.

Le Cubano de Ricardo

Source: Ricardo Cuisine.com Club Roll Sandwich

Le Cubano
de Ricardo



  • 60 ml (1/4 tasse) de mayonnaise
  • 60 ml (1/4 tasse) de moutarde de Dijon


  • 6 pains à paninis, coupés en deux à l'horizontale
  • 12 tranches de jambon blanc
  • 18 tranches de fromage suisse
  • 18 petits cornichons, coupés en fines tranches sur la longueur
  • 1 rôti de porc Mojo, tranché finement (voir recette)


Dans un bol, mélanger la mayonnaise et la moutarde. Réserver.


Tartiner l'intérieur des pains avec la dijonnaise. Répartir le jambon, le fromage, les cornichons et les tranches de rôti de porc sur la base des pains. Refermer.

Dans une grande poêle striée, griller les sandwichs à feu moyen, de 3 à 4 minutes de chaque côté, en pressant avec une spatule (ou cuire dans une machine à paninis). Servir immédiatement.


Ricardo's Cubano



  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) Dijon mustard


  • 6 panini bread loaves, halved horizontally
  • 12 slices ham
  • 18 slices Swiss cheese
  • 18 small gherkins, thinly sliced lengthwise
  • 1 Mojo Pork Roast, thinly sliced (see recipe)


In a bowl, combine the mayonnaise and mustard. Set aside.


Spread the dijonnaise inside the bread loaves. Cover with the ham, cheese, pickles, and pork roast slices. Close. In a large ridged skillet, grill the sandwiches over medium heat for 3 to 4 minutes per side, pressing with a spatula (or in a panini grill). Serve immediately.

Ââ¿cuãƒâ¡les Son Los Ingredientes De Un Sãƒâ¡ndwich Cubano? Chicken Pork Turkey Cheese

Source: http://www.recettes-asselin.com/recettes/sandwiches/le-cubain-olive-et-gourmando.php

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